Sunday, October 27, 2013


Mae Te Vejo 2012 mae chorou sorriu sentiu-se so mae amou odiou quer ser feliz mae olhos grandes negros cheios de lagrimas mae forte fortaleza certeza sabe quem e mae mulher sofrida vivida so mae mafalda maria mulata mae que briga que grita que tambem sabe dar mae dada fada falada nao esquecida mae minha nossa triste so mae palavra bonita maldita mae que gosta que brinca que fica so mae lida moida mas nunca fingida mae louca produtiva mae que so quer amar mae te vejo I am 2012 Giving Big vacuum Big emptiness Whole I am we I am I I am me I am you We are indeed we you I me We us eternally eu te quero so pra mim 2012 eu sou tudo que queria ser sou o ceu a terra e o mar sou a luz e as estrelas sou o verde tone deste teu olhar sou a paz o amor e a alegria de junto a ti estar Pieces 2012 A porta fechou A luz foi embora O dia segue la fora A chuva aliviou A neblina desce nos morros Aonde vou? Sinto tristeza

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Chicago Narratives

My trip to Chicago this past week inspired me, not only did I get to spend time with my lovely daughter whom is expecting twin girls, which by the way will be my first grandchildren, whom i can not wait to meet. My trip to Chicago gave me the opportunity once again to see the many murals throughout and along rail road walls, weaved into the neighborhoods as part of who they are not only as a community but also as a people. Chicago has always been one of my favorite cities to visit. Most of the pictures I will post were taken in and about Pilsen; the little Mexico of Chicago.